Discover what creates the magic in our work.

Dec 6, 2013

Fostering Community & Going for Results

“There is an Indian proverb that says that everyone is a house with four rooms, a physical, a mental, an emotional, and a spiritual. Most of us tend to live in one room most of the time but unless we go into every room every day, even if only to keep it aired, we are not a complete person.” ― Rumer Godden

When you do business, you don’t do emotion.

That’s the unspoken rule in the workplace. We get up in the morning, drive to our workplace and unhook our emotional profile before we sit in our cubicle to get our work done. We plough through the day’s work trying our best not to engage our whole person in the process, just in case we get too emotionally involved. To get emotionally involved with our work is a taboo.

We look to getting home to re-connect with our emotions so that we can bond with our loved ones. Sometimes the re-connection process happens along the road home and you see people with sudden emotional surges behaving like broken electrical equipment.

Source: The Vancouver Sun

Before the Industrial Revolution and the implementation of the division of labour in mass manufacturing, the mode of production is artisanal. Every village has its family of artisans who will produce all the necessary crafts and food for its community. The bakers, carpenters, shoemakers, cooks and all sundry. A person is either born into a profession or becomes an apprentice to a chosen vocation in life. In other words, you are deeply identified with your work and it becomes your identity. In both, you attain your standing in your community and draw meaning in life as you serve the people you live with.

Our workplace now creates an alienated workforce. Most people go to work for the money they need to pay the bills. It’s is not very often you identify with the work you actually do and much less identify with the goal of your company.

So the question is, how can we do meaningful work in this kind of environment? And how will people feel happy being so alienated from the output of their labour? And if they are unhappy and disconnected, how can anyone do great work? Who will produce great products and services in a disconnected work environment?

This brings me to something that is very close to my heart, that is, how to build a community that will imagine, design and build great products and services in a work environment that are engaging, challenging and rewarding at the same time.

Is that even remotely possible?

It is not common, it might not be easy but I believe this is a worthwhile goal for us.

To see people in this world torn apart by a system that is undoing their lives as they seek to make sense and meaning of their existence much like broken toys trying to reassemble themselves, I believe the time has come for us to seek a way to address this issue.

I foresee the new goal of any enterprise in the coming times is to foster a community of inspired artisans coming together to collaborate and produce in exchange for a dignified existence, creating products and services that are put together with love.

XiMnet Team Company Retreat 2013 @ Taipei, Taiwan.

In answering to this call for a brave new world, XIMNET is employing this very philosophy in building a new version of our software XTOPIA. Within a community of 5 artisans from different disciplines, we want to put our minds and souls together to re-imagine how “to change the world” within our circle of influence. We imagine our collaboration can with a software tool that will make website publishing, sales and marketing interaction and customer support so effectively simple that we can reduce significant amount of time and stress from someone who uses these tools. And they can spend their time doing things they want to, like spending time with their loved ones, reading their favourite book or going for a bike trip.

There’s another thing. In a world that always equate big with better, I think the real winner is the one who can ask the most fundamental question about life, work and happiness. We can’t fight a 100-pound gorilla on might but we can always win with our soul inspiration by delivering a better product that meets the needs of the people.

All said, in XIMNET, the total engagement of body, mind at soul in the workplace is not only a nice to have, it is our business strategy.

We intend to live and work as complete persons and to serve our customers with inspired products and services that can only be put together by complete persons.

Join me, and let’s build a village of artisans or complete persons again at the workplace, one at a time.

You can start a counter-revolution at your workplace by being “all present” starting today.

Good luck and have fun!

Dec 4, 2013

You Are An OCD, Aren't You?

Dec 4, 2013 6:00 AM Posted by Unknown , , , , ,
You know you are an OCD when you start organizing things in some very precise manner.

If you do not know what OCD is, well, Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is an anxiety disorder characterized by uncontrollable, unwanted thoughts and repetitive, ritualized behaviors you feel compelled to perform. If you have OCD, you probably recognize that your obsessive thoughts and compulsive behaviors are irrational – but even so, you feel unable to resist them and break free.

However, this disorder creates beautiful masterpieces too. Curated by Austin Radcliffe, Things Organized Neatly is a blog which features good photography of OCD-inspired setup.

We have a number of OCDs in our office who could not get their eyes off these sort of arrangements. How would you like to start creating some photographs like these? :)

Dec 2, 2013

Dec 1, 2013

What About E-mail Marketing?

While we hear many saying that e-mail marketing is no longer effective, we beg to differ. It's all depends on how effective you are managing your campaigns. XTOPIA Broadcast Management System is an integrated messaging platform which can help you to keep in touch with your users.

Nov 30, 2013


Christmas is the season of giving. How would you like to help the needy? Here are some possible ways to share the love and joy to those you are in need.

World Vision - Various Ways To Give.

Whether you are interested to Sponsor A Child or contribute through Gifts of Hope, your action impact a life. Your gifts will be going to countries like India, Laos, Lesotho, Malaysia, Mongolia and Myanmar.

Teach For Malaysia - Play A Part In Ending Education Inequity In Malaysia.

Have you always wished that you can play a role in providing quality education for the children of Malaysia? Good news! Teach For Malaysia Fellowship Application for 2014 is now open. Applicants must hold a minimum of a Bachelor's Degree to apply. Else, you can consider helping through Online Donation.

SPCA - Protecting Defenseless Animals.

Are you an animal lover? If yes, how about providing better homes to the strays by contributing through SPCA? Beside Financial Donation, you can also opt to help by sponsoring useful supplies to the shelter such as Old Newspapers, Shampoos, Towels and Food. View full list here.

We wish you a Joyful Christmas and Abundant Blessings in years to come.

Nov 28, 2013

5 Questions Asked: Junior Art Director

Nov 28, 2013 10:00 PM Posted by Unknown , , , , ,

Sim is our family member since Year 2008 and counting. Recently taken up the role of Junior Art Director, we managed to grab 10 mins from her back-to-back datelines to share with us how life has been working as a creative one.

What do you like most about design? Any area(s) particularly like? Why?

That there’s no one solution to every design problem. Website design & painting because these are the most familiar to me. I would like to try designing spaces & objects in the future :)
Describe us a bit about your creative process while creating a digital design.

1. Find related and unrelated references.
2. Marinating the ideas.
3. Trying the ideas (if short timeline, skip this step).
4. Choose idea & execute.
5. If doesn’t work, go back to step 3.
What's would you consider the best moment day-to-day and what would be the worst one?

Best: Eating lunch
Worst: Long meetings out of the office on a busy day / Food coma after lunch
What's your favourite media to work with and why?

Pixels and acrylic. Pixels because they’re precise and controllable. Acrylic cos they smell good.
Tell us three websites that you like to visit.


Nov 21, 2013

Hello @ Taiwan

Nov 21, 2013 11:29 PM Posted by Unknown , , ,
Our Chief Alchemist has decided to bring all of us to Taiwan after a year of hard work. Our 4 days 3 nights (15 - 18 November 2013) trip to Taichung - Taipei was truly blissful.

Besides the cooling autumn weather during this time, one must not miss the street food hunt as well as shopping spree in a few renown night markets around Taipei.

Thank you Chief, and we are looking forward to do better in Year 2014 so that we can fly even further! Cheers to the challenges and opportunities which are yet to come.

Nov 13, 2013

Nov 6, 2013

Free Icon Set By Chris Behr

Nov 6, 2013 9:52 AM Posted by Unknown , , , , ,
Thanks to Chris Behr, we have set of 128 original, beautiful icons to use for our design work.

Nice Things includes 128 carefully drawn illustrations of all kinds of pretty things around us — a bike, birthday cake, watch, traffic light, game console, doughnut, speaker, rollerskate, starship and much more. You may freely use it for both private and commercial projects, without any restrictions, including for software, online services, templates and themes.

They would work for Presentation Slides too!

Head over to Smashing Magazine Website or simply download the files via this link.

Happy Thursday.

Nov 4, 2013

Oct 28, 2013

Oct 11, 2013

Building On Your Failures

I love to read. I’ve read all sorts to feed my seemingly insatiable hunger to know. From fiction to non-fiction, from poetry to rock stars preaching on novel ways to alleviate poverty, I’ve read across the shelves like I would pick my way across the Sunday buffet lunch spreads.

And I love to read self-helps and business books.

A large part of business publications sell us the formulaic easy ways to achieve success. Everybody wants to learn that Quick & Easy 3 Steps to Become Rich & Famous or the 5 Simple Steps to Make Your Million Before 30 while sipping Latte over a Saturday afternoon between surfing the Internet and talking to friends.

Truth be told, true success comes only to those few who refuse to give up on their dreams.

No, not just any dreams, but that ONE DREAM. That one you cling on to everyday with every breath you take. That ONE DREAM without which nothing really matter much anymore. To get to that ONE DREAM, you would have bet your life on it, get thrown to outside your comfort zone,  take the blows, kneel over to stand up again, and most often than not, you will be taken down, torn inside out and kick you about many times over before Life finally decides you are worthy of your ONE DREAM.    

You see now, that glittering word success is not for everyone.

Yes, success takes Perseverance. A neat little word with a lot of mess packed into it.

It takes Passion. Not MTV-styled passion, but Passion with its root meaning, “to suffer” for something you care deeply for.

You’ll never get to wrap your hand on the handle to Success if that ONE DREAM isn’t packed with that ONE REASON why you want to wake up in the morning and live your life for.  Victor Frankl says if you have the meaning for being, you will live through even the most horrific experience in life. He lived through the holocaust and survived to tell his story. He wanted to tell his story so he survived to tell it.

I built XIMNET for one reason. I wanted to make a difference to people’s lives through deeply-engaging, meaningful work that produces beautiful results for paying customers. I believe we should live to serve and to love with our actions daily  in exchange for a fulfilled existence.

And that brings me back to where I started. The journey towards Success has been hard all along for me but it’s been meaningful all the way. I’ve made mistakes, I’ve done things that I don’t respect myself later,  I’ve tripped over foolish things but I know I will get there soon. I can feel the wind on my face now.

To all my customers, my partners, my team-members and friends, I promise the success is as much for you as it is for me.

So if you are having a hard time now, remember there’s a season for everything. If you are on your knees, or have fallen over, you can stand up, dust off the dirt and stay in the fight.

I’ve stayed in the fight long enough to know that Life crowns the one who finds meaning in the hardest black-out blows. You just need to stand up before the count of 10.

10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4 …

Image taken from

Come on,  you can stand up and punch again!

Sep 21, 2013

5 Questions Asked: Software Engineer

Tech geek? Nerd? Gadget Freak? Many assume working as a programmer is boring. But Yap, our Software Engineer, says otherwise. Let’s get to know what he has got to share with you today.

How was the beginning of your career in XiMnet malaysia?

I remember there are QBasic code snippets in my Form 4 Modern Mathematics text book. I was a lazy student, I tried to build application and let the computer solves my math homework. But that didn’t make me interested in programming. Sooner, my first personal webpage was built with Microsoft Frontpage (a WYSIWYG HTML editor).

I like the challenge like adding bulletin board, guest book to the webpage and also cloaking the URL to prevent hot-linking. While all those were accomplished with very little use of HTML & JavaScript programming but since then I have great interest in programming.

A decade has passed and things keep changing. As a programmer in XiMnet Malaysia, I always seek to better techniques for building web applications. Following best practices and building high performance web application is part of my work. Helping people to solve their day to day problem by using programming is my ultimate goal.

Beside your daily work, do you have any hobbies? Please share it with us.

I have great interest in collecting currencies, solving puzzles and watching movies.

Please share five golden lessons you learned to this point.

Always initiate to spend more time with your family and don’t waste your food.

Anything can happen so one must always prepare themselves for new challenges set ahead.

Think and analyse. Everything you do can impact someone else in your life. Always avoid hurting someone while you are trying to get things done your way.

Life is short, seize the moment.

There are two sides to every question, always.

Do you have any heroes? What make them your heroes?

My hero is Sheriff Woody from Toy Story. He is a great leader who always gives support and motivation to other toys. For what he thinks is right, he will do it to the end.

Tell us in one picture how you're feeling about your life right now.

I will still going around to see what is behind the mountain even someone has already told me what it is.

Sep 16, 2013

Understanding Responsive Web Design

If you're aware of the current web design movement, the keyword is "Responsive". But we do encounter peers or clients who do not have an overall understanding of building a responsive website. Here are some important points we have featured in an infographic, hopefully to help you get a clearer picture of how responsive website is done and why it is important.

Sep 12, 2013

Sep 9, 2013

7 Shareable Facebook Posts

Have you ever feel like your Facebook posts are not getting the amount of attention that you wish to have? Or the posts are not giving you the 'viral' effect? Marketo reveals that shareability is all about what the post does to people- it affects them in such a way that they want to share with others. Highly shareable posts do at least one of the following:

GIVE: Offers, discounts, deals or contests that everyone can benefit from, not just one sub-group of your friends.

ADVISE: Tips, especially about problems that everyone encounters; for example, how to get a job or how to beat the flu.

WARN: Warnings about dangers that could affect anyone.

INSPIRE: Inspirational quotes.

AMAZE: Amazing pictures or facts.

UNITE: A post that acts as a flag to carry and a way to brag to others about your membership in a group that’s doing pretty darned good, thank you very much.
AMUSE: Funny pictures and quotes, as long as they’re not offensive to any group- sometimes the humor isn’t quite as strong or edgy- it has to appeal to a general audience.

Sep 8, 2013

Beautiful Food Shots by Vanessa Rees

Sep 8, 2013 7:12 PM Posted by Unknown , , , ,
"I love all kinds of photography but am particularly drawn to food, still life, and lifestyle photography. I’m very passionate about creating beautiful light. It’s not uncommon for me to use up to 8 different light sources for one shot. Although sometimes just 1 or 2 does the trick." ~ Vanessa Rees

Vanessa is one of  the recipients of photography awards such as SAVEUR Magazine’s Best Food Photography and The [Framed] Awards best food photographer.

We have few of her recent project featured here. If you wish to see more, follow her on instagram (@vkress) or visit her website at